Done with classes!

Last Monday was my last graduate class and it was a relieft to just come home tonight and have no class work on my mind. It is hard to believe that I have jumped through all the hoops, written the papers, taken the tests and done all of the presentations necessary. I remember how daunting the task seemed back during those first two classes. Those first two classes really indicated how things were going to play out, as well.

Strategic Quality Management – awesome class. We learned that there are frameworks for evaluating organizations and this provided a lot of perspective over my company and career. Assigments in this class were thought provoking and challenging. The cemented my desire to experience the entire program and I knew I was in the right place.

Supply Chain Synchronization. What a freaking snoozer of a class! The professor just sat up front and read us the book, we did projects that were only mildly interesting and sickeningly boring to present the rest of the class and I managed to fit my entire final paper onto one page that earned me an A. I only learned the curriculum through my reading of the book during class.

It was about 50/50 for these types of classes and the challenging ones made up for the lack of challenge presented by the others. I am also very critical of classes and can spot missed opportunities much more accurately than I can quantify the value of a class. I would still recommend the degree to anyone, but I will and have been very vocal to others about the classes to take and the ones to skip. Oddly enough, the required classes were mostly very solid and the optional ones were mostly weaker. Interesting how that works out, eh?

WOOOHOOO for being done! 🙂


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