Examples of areas of Technical Expertise:
VMware vSphere (vCenter, Lab Manager, ESX, ESXi)
MS Hyper-V (SCVMM, Self Service Portal)
Active Directory/LDAP (2008, 2003, upgrading from NT AD)
DNS (Windows, NameSurfer)
EMC Celerra (NFS, CIFS)
NetApp (NFS, CIFS)
Sun StorageTek (Fiber Channel)
Datacore Storage Virtualization
DFS/File Serving (2008 R2)
Feedback from trusted colleagues and supevisors inicates these strengths:
- Technical Expertise that is constantly being brought up to date
- Business Savvy – understanding budgeting cycles, the value of integrating business managers into critical decision making, etc.
- Being an effective visionary that can not only gather support for new project or idea but maitaining and action focus that makes these visions are a reality
- A strong work ethic that shines during crisis or “crunch times”
- Adaptability to change, whether it be organizational or technological
- Quick learner with an ability to ingest a large amount of information and emerge with the most pertinent pieces of information
- Organizational awareness – knowing who key stakeholders are and recognition of the inner workings of how work gets done