A *good* day…

1) Kristin and I drove to work this morning, no drama.

2)I got some things done this morning at work.  It feels nice to have taken care of something.

3) Kristin and I walked out of the building and got lunch.

4) I heard back from the Forest Lake FFA Chapter, they might want some help with Ag Marketing.  Finally, a volunteer effort I feel excited about.

5)xkcd.com and meninhats.com

6)It was still light outside when I left.  Hello, Sun.

7) Your friends love you anyway.  Sometimes you just need to hear that – or read it on the wall at Jimmy Johns.  Either way, I feel relieved for no reason I can put a finger on.

8) Class tonight – but Friday tomorrow.

9) With any luck, I’ll get to talk to some distant friend on the drive home tonight.

10) Guilt free Mass Effect when I get home to wind down the day.

11) Going to bed 🙂


PS:  Yes, I know that number eight is borked.  I am just not messing with an accidental smiley today…

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