Tag Archives: Commute

The drive home…

Sometimes, coming home from work can be complicated.  For instance, last night on the radio we heard about massive delays on 35W by Roseville, so we decdided, somewhat on the fly, that we would take some back roads to clear it and then get back on north of the issue holding up traffic.

As backed up as 280 was, I thought this was the case.  So, we tried to get back on at County Road D and I am glad we had the ability to see the interstate before we turned – evidently this is where the stop and go really started.  The helpful lady on the radio said it would take at least and extra twenty minutes to get by the accident area.  So we crossed over 35W meandered by an awesome looking park on Lake Johanna, got on Snelling, went north a ways, and then crossed back over.  Kristin picked up her CR-V and I took back roads the rest of the way home.

From leaving work (~20 minute walk to the car) to walking into the house, it took about an hour and twenty minutes to go what should have been ~25 miles.  Sheesh!  At least it gave me an opportunity to try embedding a Google Maps thing into the blog…

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