Daily Archives: June 28, 2010

Adventures in Craigslist Land

Craigslist is an interesting place.  I compare it to the John Deere swapsheet, for those of you who might be familiar with that.   Its a place to find treasure for the price of junk, junk for the price of treasure and everything in between.  It can be critical that you move quickly or take advantage of ambiguous wording while at the same time seemingly reasonable deals show up week after week.  Kristin and I have sold more than we have purchased on Craigslist on the whole of it which I count as a good thing.

For Sale

Yesterday I put up an ad for some paintball gear with a price I thought would encourage a quick purchase, as it seems you either price it right or sit on it.  Turns out that my price, $20, was way too low.  I had a taker about seven minutes after the posting went live, which should have clued me in.  I agreed to that and I had a deluge of other people wanting to buy it, ranging from the typical “hay u want ur gun” one liners to very eloquent and polite offers up to $50 for it.  I agreed to sell it to some guy from clear across the cities for $20 and he was going to pick it up at 9:00 PM.  It’s 9:15 now and I am hoping he doesn’t show so I can move on down the line to the guy that is going to give me an xbox 360 controller and $20 cash.

I’ve got some wheels for sale too, but they haven’t been quite as popular…
