Daily Archives: May 31, 2010

Computer news, circa 1991

Kristin’s parents brought some kindling to the cabin this weekend, and I made the mistake of looking at it.  I found these awesome gems:

Click to read.

Click to read.

Oh yeah, you read it here.  Solaris x86 and SPARC, ready to pave the way to Sun dominance.  Solaris x86 did pick up some steam in the last couple of years, too little to late I suppose.

Click to read.

Click to read.

Dayum, that be one GB.  We’ve come a little ways in 20 years, eh?

Click for a larger version.

Click for a larger version.

What a deal!  Hard drive, 3.5″ and 5.25″ drives for the ultimate in compatibility.  Gotta love that In-Order, cacheless, sub 1M transistor goodness!
