So Windows 7 has a development environment (Integrated Scripting Environment) built in for PowerShell. That’s pretty freakin’ cool…
Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Windows PowerShell -> Windows PowerShell ISE
Remember that the Shell is capitalized 😉
And the awesomeness has just been tempered as I realize that I have PowerShell V2 with the included ISE – but the only way to get this is to run Windows 7 or Server 2008 R2. I was hoping to get this up and romping at work, but evidently I’ll have to wait. As in “a few months.” Seems pretty ridiculous, you would think that Vista and 2008 would have support at the same time… I was really hoping to do my VMware backups with this tool. It’s still possible, I suppose, just a little more difficult. Dang it.
This came out last December but appears to be the best MS can do for my 2008 Server development box. That’s a bit of a downer.
Still, it looks promising 🙂
PowerShell v2 is still officially beta until Windows 7 comes out – which is why it isn’t in 2008… But, the ISE is cool!
Yeah, yeah, I figured. Part of the thunder of 7 and R2, no doubt.